Mass Media Influences Sport

On September 18, 2018, during American Sport in the 21st Century, we discussed socialization and how it occurs. We know that socialization is the active process of learning the culture of a society through interactions with others, which results in the formation of ideas about who we are and what is important in our lives. We also discovered that the agents of sport socialization are family members, peer groups, your school, your community, and mass media. In the Sports Business Journal, it talks about how technology is revolutionizing the sports industry through not only social media platforms, but also with interactive fantasy sports, and the ability to live stream games on your phone. The presence of such easy access into the sports industry has led the world’s audience to not only view what they can do on the field but also off the field. Players are relatively active on social media which leads to them becoming role models. In today’s world, mass media is a top influencer on sport socialization because there are many platforms on social media where athletes and their activities have become highly visible. The more visibility these athletes have, and what they do with it, will cause mass media to become a strong agent, along with other influences as well. With how fast technological advancements are occurring, mass media will be a top influencing agent in the sport socialization process for the foreseeable future.
