New Dr. Pepper Ads Display Why We Study Sport

For the 2018 college football season, one of the top sponsors, Dr. Pepper, has launched a brand new advertising campaign in hopes that they can better connect with us, the fans. This new campaign will introduce the town of Fansville, which is a town full of college football fans that are strong supporters of two fictional teams known as Tech and State. (Smith, 2018) The purpose of these new commercials is to connect to the fans in a better way by showing us fictional characters that take part in humorous sport fan rituals much like we do in real life. This concept connects to our class discussion about what sport is and why we study it from August 30, 2018 because during that discussion we mentioned that sports provide a window into our culture and society. This advertising campaign supports that idea quite well because the entire goal behind creating Fansville was to have fans like us feel like we are watching ourselves do funny things while drinking Dr. Pepper, even though they are just actors playing the roles of sport fans. The Fansville campaign connects to our discussion about why we study sport from August 30, 2018 in another way as well. During that discussion we had mentioned that millions of people are sports fans and that much of our conversation, reading, and leisure is based around the subject. This advertisement is a display of an entire town full of sport fans coming together to root for their schools in a massive rivalry game. Furthermore, the existence of this advertisement is proof that sports are a massive topic of interest in America because Dr. Pepper has now spent millions of dollars on a sport based campaign, which means that using sport to sell their product has proven to be successful in the past. For the 2018 college football season, Dr. Pepper will run their new advertisements during college football programs on ESPN, Fox, and CBS in order to most effectively reach their target audience. Like we mentioned in our what is sport and why study it discussion on August 30, 2018, major networks spend a whole 15 percent of their time on sports, so it is likely that these ads will come across our televisions quite frequently this fall.
