Dallas Mavericks Moving Towards Gender Equality Within Their Organization

On September 15, 2018, during our American Sport in the 21st Century class, we discussed gender and sports: how equitable are the sport opportunities for girls and women. Specifically looking at women in sport management, we learned that there is a large imbalance in sports, as the field is perceived as predominantly male. An article was written after the Dallas Mavericks sexual misconduct scandal unfolded, which talks about how the owner, Mark Cuban, took immediate action after the scandal to make things right. The first step taken by Cuban was to hire Cynthia Marshall to become the CEO. From there, the Mavericks climate has changed drastically due to the new guidance provided by Marshall. Marshall was able to increase the number of women in senior positions from 0 to 47%, creating new positions for women, (Vice President of Human Resources and Chief ethics and compliance officer) along with establishing a policy in the diversity of hiring, and enforcing workplace training. Because of Marshall’s tremendous efforts to create more opportunities for women in the world of sports, hopefully, more organizations will follow in her footsteps and try to close the gap between males and females in the sport industry. The NBA’s grade for hiring women was the best in sports, according to the Race and Gender Report Card of 2018. However, it has declined over the past three years. Through actions taken by these strong and powerful individuals, hopefully, there will be an increase by the end of this year.
