How Media Boosts the Sports Economy

On November 10, 2018, in our American Sport in the 21st Century class, we discussed sports and the economy. We talked about major factors when it comes to generating revenue, specifically media rights, which is the second largest revenue source for collegiate and professional sports. In this article by Sports Pro Media, they stated that in the United States, the rate of growth for the sport industry is increasing rapidly, resulting in an estimated $80.4 billion by the end of the 2022. A large portion of this revenue is generated through media rights, which is predicted to grow almost $24 billion from last year. There has also been an increase in both gate revenue (increasing at a slower rate) and sponsorships. Overall, there has been an increase across the board within the sport industry from gate revenue and media rights. This article also talks about how these numbers could be impacted through the streaming of games on phones and nontraditional outlets such as Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon, endangering the revenue stream for major networks broadcasting these games on television. Until broadcasting contracts expire with leagues, only time will tell with what will happen with revenue streams of major networks and the overall economic effect on the sport industry.
